Return & Refund
- Order Cancellation
If the order has not been shipped, we accept requests to cancel the order. After the order is cancelled, the refund will be returned to the account you used to place the order.
Please note that we cannot cancel your order if it has already been shipped. If you need to cancel your order, please contact us or Whatsapp: +1 346 754 4799 before the order is shipped.
- Free Exchange Policy
If the product is damaged severely in shipping ,You don't even need to return and we will send you the exchange items for free. We hope this will help you get a super convenient shopping experience.
- Return/Exchange Policy
1,U&D's responsibility
We are responsible for all the following defective items within 30 days : If the product is damaged in shipping, the product has quality problems, etc.
2,Customer's responsibility
If the return or exchange is due to the customer's reasons, the customer is responsible for the shipping fees. Please consult your local logistics provider for shipping charges.
We do not accept returned package without notifying us upfront.
We do not accept packages returned using COD service.
Don't return the package to the shipping address on shipping label, we cannot receive the package. If so, we cann't make any refund.
- The Return Process
1.Email return request→2.Request approved→3.Receive return address→4.Customer send shipping info after return→5.Returned package received→6.Release refund
Submitting return request by dropping an email. our or Whatsapp: +1 346 754 4799
Our customer service will communicate with you in the email, please pay attention to the reply. (Usually will reply within 1-2 business day)
Please send us tracking info after you return, which is quite important. Without return info, there will be no refund.
Refund will be released within 5 business days after we received the package.